Part 1 of 3: Reasons to Hire a Florida Foreclosure Surplus Lawyer Over a Surplus Recovery Business

I have handled many foreclosure surplus cases in Florida. It is an area of law that I am very passionate about. Therefore, this is Part 1 of a 3 Part blog series as to why former homeowners should hire a foreclosure surplus lawyer over a surplus/asset recovery business. My motivation is not to bash other businesses, but to educate and help all Florida homeowners that have been foreclosed on recover their surplus funds.

Part 1: Lawyer vs. Non-Lawyer

The most important difference when you hire a Foreclosure Surplus Lawyer to collect your surplus funds is you know exactly who is going into court to fight for you. When you call my law firm, you get me for your free consultation. I will also be the person filing all the motions in court and going to the final hearings for you. Period. On the contrary, when you hire a third-party asset/surplus recovery business, you are NOT hiring a lawyer. These businesses are not lawyers. You are hiring a business who then is hiring the cheapest lawyer they can find (so they give up as little money as possible) to go into court, not for you, but for the business (since you assigned all your rights away).

You will have zero correspondence with the lawyer the surplus company has hired. One thing I have seen time and time again, is the lawyer’s representing these companies file the most generic, boiler plate motions that have no individuality to them. Again, this lawyer is not representing you, but the asset recovery company. However, remember this, if the asset recovery company doesn’t recover the funds, you don’t get a dime.

You should know who is going into court for your surplus money. Hiring a surplus company assures you that you are getting a lawyer that is cheap, and lacks the care you need to collect your funds.

If you are considering hiring a third-party Florida surplus company, call my law firm for a free consultation. As a Florida foreclosure surplus lawyer, I will be able to sum up your case very efficiently.

If you need a Miami Foreclosure Surplus Lawyer, Fort Lauderdale Foreclosure Surplus Lawyer Orlando Foreclosure Surplus Lawyer, Tampa Foreclosure Surplus Lawyer Fort Myers Surplus Lawyer, Daytona Beach Surplus Lawyer, Palm Beach Surplus Lawyer or a Jacksonville Foreclosure Surplus Lawyer, the law firm of Haynes Law Group will represent a homeowner in any county in Florida!

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