No Turning Back: Do Not Assign Away Your Rights to a Florida Foreclosure Surplus Recovery Business

I have blogged frequently over the last year regarding why a homeowner should not hire a foreclosure asset recovery business to collect their surplus funds. In fact, I published a three- part series as to why one should hire a foreclosure surplus lawyer instead of a surplus recovery business. While I have covered many topics regarding the above, one topic that I deem necessary to express is this: once you assign away your surplus rights, there is generally no turning back.

Did you know that a Florida foreclosure surplus lawyer has specific Florida Bar ethic rules that must be followed? Specifically, if a lawyer takes a case on contingency (meaning he only gets paid if he wins and collects) that there are specific rights that a homeowner has within that agreement? For example, one has three business days from the date of the executed contingency agreement to cancel said representation. Surplus companies are NOT lawyers (even though they continually participate in the unauthorized practice of law). Once you assign away your rights to a third-party company, that’s it. There is no time frame to change your mind.

Worse, I get calls all the time from homeowners that regret hiring a surplus company and they want to hire me instead. I will always review the assignment of rights, and advise if there is any way out of the situation (sometimes there is). However, when you assign away your rights, the next step is for a surplus recovery company to file a motion to intervene. This is because the asset recovery company is NOT representing you in the case, but they are trying to become their own party to the foreclosure case!

The good news is many people all over the state of Florida are googling this issue before they assign away their rights and finding these blogs. I will always give you a free consultation, and I will always objectively warn a homeowner of the risk they are taking to losing everything by assigning away their rights. I will further be happy to fight for the owner’s claim for surplus funds.

If you have a foreclosure surplus case in Florida, call me for a free consultation. If I am hired, I will only get paid if I collect for you!

Whether you need an Orange County foreclosure surplus lawyer, Miami foreclosure surplus lawyer, Fort Lauderdale foreclosure surplus lawyer, Palm Beach foreclosure surplus lawyer, Tampa foreclosure surplus lawyer, Clearwater beach foreclosure surplus lawyer, Lake County foreclosure surplus lawyer, Pasco County foreclosure surplus lawyer, Duval county foreclosure surplus lawyer, Miami Beach foreclosure surplus lawyer, Lake Mary foreclosure surplus lawyer, Jacksonville foreclosure surplus lawyer, Saint Augustine foreclosure surplus lawyer, Sarasota foreclosure surplus attorney, Fort Myers foreclosure surplus lawyer, West Palm Beach foreclosure surplus Lawyer, Indian hills foreclosure surplus lawyer, Orlando foreclosure surplus lawyer, or a Volusia county foreclosure surplus attorney, we will represent parties in any county in the state of Florida!

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