Florida Owner's Claim for Foreclosure Surplus Funds

So, you’re an owner that just had their home foreclosed on. However, you have received calls from many third party surplus companies informing you that there are surplus funds left over after your foreclosure sale. These third part surplus companies probably tell you that for a small percentage they will recover funds for you. First off, do not trust them. They will require you to assign your rights away and then they will file a motion to intervene on the case to collect your money. Further, they are not lawyers and are many times engaging in the unauthorized practice of law by even giving you legal advice.

Hopefully, a homeowner will decline to assign their rights away. However, I see many homeowners at this juncture call their local county clerk’s office requesting direction on how to collect their funds. The clerk’s office will inform the homeowner to fill out their “boiler plate form for Owner’s claim for foreclosure surplus funds.” This is often a big mistake.

My biggest piece of advice to a homeowner trying to claim surplus funds is always to not assign away your rights. However, my second biggest piece of advice is to consult with a top Florida foreclosure surplus lawyer before you file anything with the court. This is because filing one of the standard owner’s claim for surplus funds will many times disable you from collecting all the surplus funds you are entitled to!

For example, I had a client recently that had pro se filed a claim for foreclosure surplus funds before she hired me. She then called me after she filed her motion, and I brought to her attention that one of the lien holders was going to try and collect the full amount of the funds. Not only such, but her filing was incomplete and would not have been granted by the judge. This former homeowner hired me and I was able to not only file an amended motion for surplus funds, but I was able to disqualify a lien holder on her property! This paid her so much more money than she would have gotten on her own.

Whether you think your Florida foreclosure surplus case is straight forward or complex, call me for a free foreclosure surplus consultation. If you decide to hire me, I will not get paid unless I win surplus funds for you!

Whether you need a Miami foreclosure surplus attorney, Fort Lauderdale foreclosure surplus funds attorney, Palm Beach foreclosure surplus attorney, Tampa foreclosure surplus funds lawyer, Pasco County foreclosure surplus funds attorney, Osceola County foreclosure surplus funds lawyer, Brevard County foreclosure surplus lawyer, Lake county foreclosure surplus lawyer, Duval County foreclosure surplus attorney, North Miami Beach foreclosure surplus attorney, Jacksonville foreclosure surplus attorney, Pinellas County foreclosure surplus lawyer, Sarasota foreclosure surplus attorney, Gainesville foreclosure surplus lawyer, Fort Myers foreclosure surplus attorney, Indian hills County foreclosure surplus lawyer, Orlando foreclosure surplus attorney, or Orange county foreclosure surplus lawyer we will represent parties in any county in the state of Florida!

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