Foreclosure Surplus Lawyer vs. Foreclosure Surplus Recovery Company: Who Should You Hire?

I’m not going to make you wait until the end of this blog to find out the answer. Hire an experienced Florida foreclosure surplus collection lawyer over a surplus asset recovery company. Let me elaborate three “Chapters” as to why. Chapter 1 . . .

Preamble: you probably stumbled across this blog after researching what a surplus asset recovery company is. No doubt these surplus recovery company people are calling you nonstop, or even showing up at your door, giving you legal advice and telling you to assign away your rights to the surplus funds for 12%. Hopefully you came across these blogs before you signed on the dotted line. Read on.

First Chapter: Ethical Regulation by the Florida Bar vs. No Regulation at all.

A surplus lawyer has a conduct of ethics that must be followed or he or she could lose their law license. My license is governed by the Florida Bar of Ethics, meaning, if I do anything that does not follow those ethical rules, I will be reprimanded.

Surplus companies are NON-LAWYERS. They are not regulated by the bar and therefore have free reign to do what they choose. For instance, they are allowed to call you directly. Lawyers, are not.

Example: A Miami-Dade former homeowner called me and asked me to look into his Dade foreclosure surplus recovery case. I did, and saw that he assigned away his rights to a surplus company. This company had received the funds, over $100,000.00 worth, and disappeared. This homeowner lost all of his money with no remedy to get that money back.

Most of these surplus companies will change their entity name every few months or years. This is done in an attempt to evade any legal recourse from homeowners or criminal prosecution. How do I know? I have been called several times by various county sheriffs’ offices attempting to ask questions about different fraudulent cases they are coming across. It’s insane.

My main purpose in writing these “Chapters” is to help people realize they NEED to hire a surplus recovery lawyer, and not a non-lawyer surplus company. It is a giant risk that can be avoided by hiring your own lawyer.

Next Chapter I will talk about the surplus recovery companies interests and the lawyer they hire to represent THEIR interest.

My name is Benjamin Haynes and I handle Florida foreclosure surplus recovery cases all over the State. If you have a case, call me for a free consultation.

Whether you need a Miami foreclosure surplus attorney, Fort Lauderdale foreclosure surplus funds attorney, Palm Beach foreclosure surplus attorney, Tampa foreclosure surplus funds lawyer, Pasco County foreclosure surplus funds attorney, Osceola County foreclosure surplus funds lawyer, Brevard County foreclosure surplus lawyer, Lake county foreclosure surplus lawyer, Duval County foreclosure surplus attorney, North Miami Beach foreclosure surplus attorney, Jacksonville foreclosure surplus attorney, Pinellas County foreclosure surplus lawyer, Sarasota foreclosure surplus attorney, Gainesville foreclosure surplus lawyer, Fort Myers foreclosure surplus attorney, Indian hills County foreclosure surplus lawyer, Orlando foreclosure surplus attorney, or Orange county foreclosure surplus lawyer we will represent parties in any county in the state of Florida!

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