Top Florida Foreclosure Surplus Funds Lawyer's Main Goals

I have experience with any surplus funds situation one can think up. From that experience, I have developed some main goals in representing homeowners and in writing these blogs. Here are a few of my main goals:

1) Collecting Surplus Funds for Former Homeowners

Ultimately, my practice of litigating for surplus funds is to win as much money as possible for my clients. The driving factor for me occurred nearly two years ago. I was seeing former homeowners hire inexperienced attorneys, or worse, assigning their rights away to a surplus recovery company. I saw families lose out on thousands of dollars because of hiring the wrong lawyer or company. This led me to say, “I will be the best foreclosure surplus lawyer in Florida!” Sure enough, over the last two years we have become one of the leading law firms, if not the leading law firm, in the State of Florida helping homeowners collect foreclosure surplus funds.

I fight for homeowners and know how to put them in position to collect as much as possible.

2) Educating Florida

This is the main purpose of surplus blogging. These Florida foreclosure surplus blogs have educated homeowners, lawyers, judges, etc. The world of foreclosure surplus funds in Florida is one that is extremely lacking in clarity via the appellate courts. Therefore, there is not clear guidance most of the time. Even worse, you have lawyers and surplus recovery companies that manipulate, lie and twist the existing law for their benefit, not the homeowners.

Educating homeowners on what their rights are, and what to do in different situations is the base. The single biggest misconception I run into all the time is this, “getting surplus funds is very straight forward.” This is a lie. This is exactly what surplus recovery companies want you to think since they work based off volume. I often see the “curve ball” thrown into the mix at 11:59 on the surplus clock. If you have a representative that is inexperienced, you will be in a very bad position.

If you are reading this, I encourage you to read through some of my other surplus funds blogs. Educate yourself. Know your rights and the different situations that occur so you do not become another surplus casualty.

If you have a surplus funds Florida case, call me for a free consultation. I will personally answer and will be happy to talk about your case. Should you hire me, I won’t get paid unless I win and collect for you!

If you need a North Miami Foreclosure Surplus Law Firm, Ft. Lauderdale Foreclosure Surplus Law Firm, West Palm Beach Foreclosure Surplus Law Firm, Orlando Foreclosure Surplus Law Firm, Tampa Foreclosure Surplus Law Firm, Ft. Myers Foreclosure Surplus Law Firm, Sarasota Foreclosure Surplus Law Firm, Pasco County Foreclosure Surplus Law Firm, Lake County Foreclosure Surplus Law Firm, Lakeland Foreclosure Surplus Law Firm, Lee County Foreclosure Surplus Law Firm, Broward Foreclosure Surplus Law Firm, Palm Beach Foreclosure Surplus Attorney, Miami-Dade Foreclosure Surplus Attorney, or a Jacksonville Foreclosure Surplus Lawyer, Haynes Law Group will represent a homeowner in any county in Florida!

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