Foreclosure Surplus Lawyer vs. Foreclosure Surplus Recovery Company: Who Should You Hire? Chapter 2: Legal Experience

Last week, I posted a blog entitled “Chapter 1: Florida Bar Regulation.” In this blog, I elaborated on the differences in ethical regulation a foreclosure surplus law firm has compared to that of a foreclosure surplus/asset recovery business in Florida. You can read that Chapter 1 blog here.

For Chapter 2, I think it is very important to discuss why hiring a Florida foreclosure surplus attorney is better than hiring a non-lawyer, surplus recovery group.

Legal experience is a huge key in obtaining surplus funds. Did you know that when you hire a surplus recovery company that you are actually not hiring them, but assigning away your rights to them? Did you know that because they are not lawyers, they are personally not allowed to give legal advice and/or represent you in court? In fact, the next time you are approached by a surplus recovery company, why don’t you ask them if the lawyer they hire is representing their company, or you. *Spoiler* the attorney they hire files a motion to intervene so that the company can become a party to the case, and the attorney is not representing you, but them.

I have handled literally thousands of foreclosure cases. I have handled some of the most complex legal surplus cases one can imagine. I take every surplus case on a contingency basis, which means, I don’t get paid unless I win AND collect for you.

Now, ask yourself who you would rather have representing you:

  1. A company that is not regulated ethically, not legally able to give legal advice, representing their own interest in court and not yours; or
  2. A lawyer that files an appearance in court on YOUR behalf, has handled thousands of cases, and is regulated ethically by the Florida Bar so as not allowed to take off with your money once recovered.

Don’t be another casualty to a shady surplus company. Hire your own Florida foreclosure surplus attorney to represent your rights. I can assure you, you will be happy you did.

Whether you need a Miami surplus attorney, Fort Lauderdale surplus funds attorney, Palm Beach surplus attorney, Tampa surplus funds lawyer, Pasco County surplus funds attorney, Osceola County surplus funds lawyer, Brevard County surplus lawyer, Lake county surplus lawyer, Duval County surplus attorney, North Miami Beach surplus attorney, Jacksonville surplus attorney, Pinellas County surplus lawyer, Sarasota surplus attorney, Gainesville surplus lawyer, Fort Myers surplus attorney, Indian hills County surplus lawyer, Orlando surplus attorney, or Orange county surplus lawyer we will represent parties in any county in the state of Florida!

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