Florida Foreclosures Are Set to Resume October 1, 2020

Haynes Law Group

As you may already know, the Florida Moratorium on Foreclosures and Evictions due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has expired as of 12:01 a.m. on October 1, 2020. What this means for you as a Florida homeowner is that your mortgage company may now initiate, or continue, foreclosure proceedings against you should you be delinquent, or behind, on your mortgage payments.

This news is truly devastating for Florida homeowner especially for those affected by COVID-19 as this just throws another problem on top of the ones that they are already facing. However, fret not this is not the end of the road. The first thing you should do if you receive Florida foreclosure documents from your Mortgage company, or are served with Florida Foreclosure documents, is to consult with an experienced Florida Foreclosure Defense Attorney immediately. The reason why I say this is because TIMING IS CRUCIAL when it comes to an Attorney defending your Foreclosure case or avoiding said case being initiated against you this goes for Florida homeowners who are already in the Foreclosure process as well.

These are unprecedented and stressful times for all Florida Homeowners, and adding the threat of losing one’s home due to circumstances outside of their control can be disheartening and worrisome. If, you are a Florida Homeowner that is behind on their mortgage payments and are facing a potential Florida Foreclosure case or a Florida Foreclosure case has already been initiated against you; please give me a call and I will give you a free consultation. During our consultation I will explain the current standing of your Foreclosure case, the Foreclosure process, and the current options available to you to assist you in retaining your property.

At Haynes Law Group, P.A., we have experienced Attorneys with a strong knowledge of Florida Foreclosure Statutes 45.031 and 702.02 – 702.12 whom have handled thousands of pre-foreclosure and existing foreclosure matters all over the state of Florida. Not only will we fight for your home in Court to slow down the Foreclosure process, but we will also work with you to save your home!

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