If I’m an Heir of the Estate to a Party Whose Property has been Sold at Florida Foreclosure Auction, Can I File a Claim?


Recently, I’ve been receiving several calls from the heirs to the estate of a deceased former Florida Homeowner whose property has been sold at Florida Foreclosure Auction. During these calls, the heirs of the estate are mostly wanting to know whether there are surplus funds available after the foreclosure auction and if they are eligible to file a claim for said surplus funds (if any). The short and sweet answer to this question is yes.

If you are an Heir of an Estate and are seeking to recover surplus funds, then I strongly recommend that you speak to an experienced Florida Foreclosure Surplus Funds Recovery Attorney before filing a claim. The reason being that each case is different and not as simple as filing a claim and receiving the funds shortly thereafter. In fact, I’ve had instances where the Judge has ordered that a probate be conducted prior to the Clerk’s disbursement of said funds. A reason why a Judge may order that a probate be conducted is to determine the rightful heirs to the estate as well as to determine the order and/or percentage to which each heir is to receive their share of said surplus funds. By ordering a probate, the Judge is protecting the asset to ensure that they are distributed to the correct heirs. Additionally, a Judge may order that a probate be conducted if the deceased former homeowner had a Will.

When it comes to recovering surplus funds on behalf of an/or Heir(s) of an Estate of a deceased former Homeowner; I’ve had substantial success in using Florida Statutes and Florida Case law to not only prevent but circumvent many Florida Courts from requesting and/or requiring a probate be conducted for the Estate prior to their release of the surplus funds to the heirs. If you are reading this as a relative and/or Heir to an Estate of a deceased Florida homeowner whose home has been sold at a Florida foreclosure auction and would like to know if there are surplus funds available for you to claim, then please give me a call and I will personally give you a free consultation. During our consultation, I will confirm whether there are surplus funds available to be claimed as well as answer any questions that you may have. If there are surplus funds available to be claimed, then I will also provide you with a personalized strategy as to how we can assist you with the filing of your claim. Moreover, if you have been contacted by one of those pesky Third-Party Surplus Funds Recovery Companies, contact an attorney right away; and DO NOT sign anything! Signing a document received from one of these companies can lead to the loss of your rights as an heir to the surplus funds that may be available to be recovered.

At Haynes Law Group, P.A., we have experienced attorneys who are well-versed in the Florida statutes governing former Florida Homeowners’ claims to Florida foreclosure surplus funds and have helped to claim millions of dollars for our clients. We represent clients all over the state of Florida, no matter which county they are in, and will work tirelessly to ensure that you receive the Gold Standard of Legal Service.

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